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Monday, July 1, 2013

Immersion in Technology

I am not a native speaker; I do not have a smart phone or personal iPad.  I have entered a world where I barely even know the basics of the language. A few new words fumble from my lips: iPad and app. I learned these words on Thursday when Vicki handed me the bold red iPad that I am borrowing to use at ISTE. Of course learned makes it sound like there is some kind of mastery that I've made just by being handed the device, wide-eyed with confusion would be more honest. I am here at ISTE 2013--attempting to use new tools (the iPad and Surface) and understand the meaning of various technology words. I am mostly listening, observing. So far Evernote and Penultimate seem like they hold promise. I wonder how these become tools that let me interact with students as they plan and prioritize. 

I'm glad that ISTE started off my summer. I got to spend time and get to know some great colleagues, the time on the expo floor was quite valuable ($$$), heard about various web resources and apps: TeachersFirst, Sophia, ShowMe and MarkUp and downloaded my first apps ever.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Barton said...
One thing I learned from Philly in 2011 was "don't get overwhelmed". So I've tried to find one or two things from each session or meeting that I can take away and actually do. First moodle session: inserting pix and videos in course design. Smartboard: using different colors with the same pen (wow). Google: editing spreadsheets. Noodle tools : shortening bib citations. Visits to PBS (accessing old hist videos)', textbook publishers (print editions on the way out). The other thing I learned: the person next to you can answer a lot of dumb questions from me, too! More to learn tomorrow.
June 24, 2013 at 8:59 PM

Saturday, June 22, 2013

SAAS has landed!

We boarded the yellow school bus at 11:00 and headed for the airport Friday morning - a bit tired (school just ended and thoughts of PBL topics were adrift in our minds) and eager to find the sunshine of San Antonio!

12 hours later --- touch down: San Antonio!  We survived the hour plus security lines at SeaTac, had a leisurely lunch and boarded the plane to Phoenix --- short stop over ---- on to San Antonio! A few turbulents buffeted our small jet and that hour and 45 minutes really did seem like 3 hours!  Taxi to hotel, check in, drop of bags and a midnight dinner at Mi Terra  at Market Square (another flash back to our first San Antonio ISTE)

Up and registered....some planning and off to HackEd and assorted workshops! Watch for the blogs and tweets of our new attendees - who are on the search for freebies and trinkets!

Friday, July 6, 2012

And the Winner Is .......

And the winner is.....
I've been postponing putting my thoughts into actual characters and words after our recent trip to ISTE - perhaps on some level I feel that the 'magic of learning' will gently fade like the Seattle sunshine! BUSTED!!!
We've had three days of sunshine!!  And the magical connections of learning and learners as contributors, creators, collaborators, global connectors, and critical thinkers are real. Learning is the heart and soul of a school and the SAAS attendees at ISTE are the embodiment of that energy.

This evening I've been looking over some past reflection and theory papers that I've written over the past several months.  The following excerpt from one such paper captures the essence of the teachers we have the privilege and honor of  co-learning with on a daily basis.  They are our artists and scientists!  They have embraced the journey with all of the attributes Dexter describes with added doses of grace, humility, laughter and an insatiable thirst for learning with enthusiasm and passion.

Facilitator of learning
(from July 14, 2011 ed platform)

The teacher is the conductor of the learning environment – balancing the dynamics of the learning: environment, participants, subject matter, connections, and timeliness. The teacher is the facilitator and collaborator of the learning process. The teacher is the “first face” of the school for the community of learners and families, making the school more personal and relational.  The teacher is the keeper of the heart, mind, body and spirit of the learner. The teacher who is passionate about teaching is never finished with learning.  The art and call of teaching is integrated in all that a teacher does.  Marzano (2007) states that effective teaching is both an art and a science. The science of teaching comes from using research and data to guide instructional practices.  The art of teaching is the teacher’s interpretation and expression of that practice.

My dear colleague and friend, Dexter Chapin, is an exceptional teacher and learner. In his recent book, Master Teachers: Making a Difference at the Edge of Chaos, he describes the journey of a teacher: 

“Please do not even try to be a teacher if you do not have all of the attributes of character: integrity tempered by empathy, intelligence tempered by awe, risk-taking tempered by common sense, independence tempered by the desire to serve, and most important, self-confidence tempered by self-knowledge. Even with all the attributes, please do not start or continue on the journey just because it is possible. Start or continue on the journey because it is what you have to do, almost a calling” (Chapin, 2009).

Thank you all for jumping in feet and head first, sharing the swag and going for the gold - or flip cams!!!  May the FORCE be with you on your journey (and play with as many sabers and swords as you can!)


Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous.
- Confucius